Ghostwriting Services: How to Find a Perfect Fit
Ever wished there was someone who could take your thoughts and lay them out in perfect order and shape? No, not your long-lost twin with a degree in literature. We’re talking about a ghostwriter!
While it might sound like someone who writes creepy messages on your walls at night, they don’t. They just write – and they write well (if you’re lucky). In fact, they’re professional writers and not scary at all (well, most of them:).
Now, let’s leave haunted houses for the movies – we’re here to find your ideal scribbling specter. Whether you’re a rising novelist, a CEO juggling twenty tasks, or just someone with a message to share, a talented ghostwriter is exactly THE person you need.
A successful ghostwriter follows a client’s voice like a truly persistent spirit in a white blanket. In the end, you get your own intellectual property that can boost your writing career.
So, how do you summon the right literary spirit? (Ouija board not required!) Dive into this guide, and let’s demystify the phantom behind the pages.
What Is a Ghostwriter?
Let’s demystify the term itself before we embark on the journey of finding a ghostwriter. While some folks prefer the more diplomatic term “collaborators,” we like the enigmatic aura of “ghostwriter” a bit more.
So, who is a ghostwriter?
Simply put – a ghostwriter is a person who writes content for you without receiving authorship credit for the written material.
This way, you become the credited author, and no one even knows that someone else entirely has written the piece, whether it’s an opinion column or a LinkedIn post.
Now, enough of the boring definitions! Here’s a description our in-house wordsmith had in mind for a ghostwriter:
Imagine James Bond armed with a pen (okay, let’s be real – a laptop) instead of spy gear. Ghostwriters are pros who write masterpieces without stepping into the spotlight. But don’t think they’re weaponless – their main armor is their impeccable writing skill.
Because ghostwriters are invisible to the public, it might seem like they’re hard to find (spoiler: it won’t be like this after reading this blog).
Most of them have solid backgrounds in journalism or editing, so you can relax when handing over your story – it’s like giving the keys to your baby to James Bond (minus the car chases and explosions, of course).
Ghostwriter vs. Contractor Writer
Now, we hear you asking, “Wait a moment – isn’t a ghostwriter the same person I would hire as a typical freelance writer to handle my corporate blog?” Well, yes and no.
In theory, both types of writers can do pretty much the same scope of work. The only real difference is that a ghostwriter will always remain behind the scenes and will always strictly follow the line of the credited author.
🌟 Who typically uses these services? Ghostwriters often work with political leaders, public figures, and others who care deeply about their personal brand.
In some cases, the audience simply can’t know that the powerful speech that moved them to tears and made them fall in love with a particular person was written by someone else. This could significantly hurt their image.
However, not everyone needs a ghostwriter to write the entire piece. Sometimes, you might just need a co-author to help you out and fill in the blanks where you’re stuck.
Contractor Writer
On the other hand, a freelance writer generally has more freedom in their work. First of all, they can often become a credited author of their written piece, even if they write for a brand.
While they do receive requirements, such as tone of voice and other essential elements, contractor writers typically have much more freedom to approach their work in the way they see fit.
🌟 Who typically uses these services? Contractor writers typically collaborate with different businesses and brands to handle their blogs, newsletters, social media, etc.
So, the main difference is that ghostwriters usually work for people who face some sort of social pressure to create things and ideas themselves.
While everyone understands that businesses will hire someone to write content for them, it’s different for political leaders, for example. The audience often expects them to be the voice, not someone else.
Why Getting Ghostwriting Services Is Like Hiring a Superhero for Your Words
Here are just a few things you’ll get when you hire ghostwriters:
- Clockwork wizards: Ghostwriters write content – surprise, surprise :) Typically, they handle the writing project almost entirely after receiving the initial task from you. This results in great content written in your own name without you spending hours, weeks, or even months of your time.
- Masters of the pen: Every successful ghostwriter brings writing skills, all the best practices, and content marketing experience to the table. If you’re not a writer yourself, it’s harder to do everything as fast and well as someone who writes for a living.
- Secret keepers: Every ghostwriter maintains strict confidentiality, ensuring your ideas remain secure and you own right to whatever they create for you. In the end, ghostwriting work is all about delivering your thoughts the way you would without too much personal involvement.
- Style chameleons: When you hire a ghostwriter, you can expect them to adapt to various writing styles and genres, making them versatile collaborators. But more importantly, ghostwriting means capturing your tone of voice.
- Deadline ninjas: More often than not, your ghostwriter is freelancing. So, the more good work they do, the more they earn – the math is simple. That’s why almost every freelance writer is committed to delivering high-quality writing on time.
No one can become a ghostwriter without understanding the writing process, just as Neo understands the Matrix. Research, outlining, sentence construction – it’s all second nature to them. That’s exactly what you need, right?
What Can They Write?
Simple question, huh? What written material can you expect once you hire ghostwriters? Let’s see what ghostwriting services may include:
Social Media Voice
Sometimes, you might look at someone’s social media posts and think, “How in the world do they always have their feed so on-point without even being a writer?” That writing style, brevity, and ideation… Perfect, aren’t they?
Well, let us make you feel a little better. Chances are that your incredible social media guru has… you guessed it, a ghostwriter or even a team of writers crafting all those posts that resonate with your soul.
Columns & Opinion Articles
When you see that busy CEO publishing weekly columns or opinion magazine articles in one of those fancy business journals, you can be almost 100% sure they outsource the writing. Yes, the ideas are usually their own.
Yet, when it comes to the writing, they mostly just review the already-written pieces and make a couple of edits—that’s it! The rest is typically handled by a trusted ghostwriter.
Academic Ghostwriting
Need that research paper on 15th-century cheese tariffs not to resemble a bowl of alphabet soup? Hire a ghostwriter. They’ll turn your "ummm..." into a well-researched masterpiece.
Yet, remember, ethical ghostwriting is like training wheels for your writing bike, not getting a permanent chauffeur. You don’t want to deal with academic fraud, so make sure you write papers yourself as well.
Medical Ghostwriting
Have groundbreaking medical research that reads drier than a mummy's armpit? Medical ghostwriters translate your medical jargon into clear, concise prose that even mummies themselves (if they weren’t already mummies) could understand.
You can also try to find writers who will act as your medical editors to read through your already-written piece and improve the workflow.
Nonfiction Books
Sitting on a goldmine of knowledge but lack the time to unearth it into your own books? Delegate this writing work. A professional writer will interview you, organize your ideas, and craft a manuscript that will make readers say, "Wow, this guy/gal is fire!" It'll be your little secret because you're still the credited author.
Fiction Writing
Dreaming of being a New York Times bestseller, but, well, the dream involves staying in your pajamas all day? From manuscript drafts to an entire book – a good ghostwriter works like Stephen King in the shadows, crafting chilling novels, heart-wrenching memoirs, or even the next great erotic dragon romance (hey, no judgment here).
Ghostwriting Gigs
Just like an actor wouldn’t say they only do "acting things," a ghost writer wouldn’t say they just take on "ghostwriting gigs." But hey, gotta speak the Queen's English sometimes, right?
These gigs might involve proofreading some stuff, playing the role of a research assistant, or writing small random pieces like some pitches or proposals.
Ghostwriting clients can expect a lot. As you can see, it’s a term that covers penmen with a wide range of skills – you can find professional medical writers, as well as a music ghostwriter or a teen fiction pro. The list is truly endless!
So, before you hire a ghostwriter, make sure you get a better idea of their expertise and the previous ghostwriting work they’ve done.
What Ghostwriters Don’t Do (or Our Attempt at a Pattern Interrupt)
There are some things ghostwriting services aren’t really meant for. If you approach a ghostwriter with a request like this, they might just roll their eyes at you. Here are a few examples:
Therapy Sessions in Disguise
Deeply personal essays or memoirs often rely heavily on the author's unique voice and experiences. A ghostwriter can be your hidden co-author, but for these projects, some soul-searching on the page might be best done solo.
So, before approaching a writer with such a book proposal, make sure you’ve already covered most of your profoundly intimate material.
Often, when public figures write their memoirs, they either get someone to interview them and then write a book or write some parts themselves and have the rest of the book ghostwritten.
Channeling Your Inner Shakespeare (Always)
While ghostwriters can excel in certain fiction genres, super creative endeavors like poetry often require a strong, unique authorial voice that can be difficult to replicate perfectly. That’s not a blog post – it’s a highly demanding style that’s hard to follow for pretty much any ghostwriter.
Speaking Klingon Fluently
Highly technical content with specific jargon requires an expert in both the subject and the writing process. In these cases, a ghostwriter might not be the best fit. Yes, they can handle the writing style, but you’ll need someone with a specific background (at least in Star Trek).
That said, it doesn’t mean every ghostwriting business will decline your request – not at all. Just keep in mind that finding a poet or a tech-savvy ghostwriter may take more time and effort.
How to Find a Professional Writer: Tips and Advice to Hire Ghostwriters Effectively
Now that we've defined what a ghostwriter is, let's embark on the quest to find one who can deliver precisely what you need. A ghostwriter’s experience matters a lot, of course, but we’ll look beyond that!
#1 Map Out Your Literary Treasure
Before diving into the ghostwriter sea, get your ship in order. Are you after a thrilling fiction novel, an insightful non-fiction piece, a memoir, or a product handbook?
The more precise you are about your project, the easier it will be to spot the right ghostwriter pirate...uh, partner.
Also, think about the tone and style. Do you want it offhand or formal? Share your thoughts and requirements, as they are essentially a map for your ghostwriter to follow.
💡 Pro tip: Test potential ghostwriters' adaptability. Give them a sample or two and see if they can mimic the style. You need to know if a ghostwriter’s style aligns with your project.
Besides, while you have to ask for a portfolio before you hire a ghostwriter, you should also give them something to work with.
Offering some ghostwriting examples you like is a must because only you know what you truly need. This helps both you and the writer determine if you’re really meant to be on this literary voyage together.
#2 Dive Into Their Ghostly Resume & Ghost Writing Examples
You’ve set your compass – now check if your potential ghostwriter has sailed these waters before. You wouldn’t hire a pirate who’s never embarked on a treasure hunt, would you?
Well, we hope you wouldn’t hire a pirate – period. But, for the sake of the story…
If you were to hire a pirate, you’d want someone with the right experience, someone with a track record that shouts, "Ahoy, I can do this!"
💡 Pro tip: Look beyond just ghostwriting examples. Dive into reviews, feedback, and even previous client interactions (if you can find them).
This isn’t just about getting words on paper; it’s about finding a literary sidekick, a partner in prose, someone who can bring your literary ship safely to shore.
After all, this person will be writing in the credited author’s voice – in your own voice. The whole ghostwriting thing only makes sense if you find someone who can write like you would – only better.
#3 Navigating the Ghostwriter Shores
The hunt's on! Despite the superstition that ghostwriters wear only hats and long coats (which would make them easier to find, right?), they’re not as elusive as you might think. Want a map of their hiding spots? Here you go:
👉 Freelance Marketplaces
Freelance marketplaces like Upwork or Reedsy are popular spots for ghostwriters to hang out, showcasing their best work. So, why not start your extensive interviews here?
Source: Reedsy👉 Agents and Publishing Houses
Sometimes, the best ghostwriters are recommended by those who’ve seen their work firsthand. Need some business books written? Then, try to find agents who have extensive experience in this area.
Looking for an outstanding fiction writer? Fiction publishers are your go-to. Start by finding relevant agents on LinkedIn and try reaching out to them. Who knows? Maybe they know just the right writer for you.
Source: Google👉 Ghostwriting Agencies
Think of ghostwriting agencies as the ghostwriter HQ, full of seasoned professionals. Ghostwriting projects thrive here, as their teams have already gone through all the interviews to preselect some of the best candidates.
Just make sure you discuss all the details to clarify the exact terms and responsibilities for each party, avoiding any unpleasant surprises. Plus, ensure that you will be the credited author, no matter what.
And, of course, choose an agency that is constantly transmitting the message that their clients deserve the best service.
Source: Google👉 LinkedIn and Job Sites
Yes, big surprise – ghostwriters need work, too:) Even though it seems like a simple solution, you can often find writers connecting with potential clients on LinkedIn or even job sites.
Some of the most successful ones can even be ghostwriting public figures. If you’re looking for a ghostwriting agency, they’re often active on social media sites as well.
Source: LinkedIn💡 Pro tip: Don’t just skim through all these platforms – delve into their ghostwriting bios, scan their testimonials, and check out some ghostwriting examples to see if their past adventures match your current quest.
#4 Conduct the Ghostly Interview & Test Their Writing Skills
It's time for a séance where you summon potential ghostwriters to see if they have the spirit (pun intended!) you're looking for. You don’t need to call them by someone else’s name – just make sure their work speaks for itself, whether it's some research papers or a fully ghostwritten book.
During your ghostwriting interviews, you want to:
- Grasp their understanding: It's like giving your ghostwriter a crystal ball – what they see should align with your vision. Their writing samples should resonate like echoes of your thoughts.
- Align their communication skills: Are they responsive, attentive, and clear in their communication? The last thing you want is a ghostwriter who disappears into the shadows when you need them. While exceptional writing style might outweigh a lack of soft skills, it’s still something to watch out for.
- Feel the right vibes: This isn’t about some mystical aura or cosmic alignment. It’s about ensuring that you and your ghostwriter are on the same wavelength creatively, professionally, and personally. After all, what is ghostwriting without a shared sense of connection?
💡 Pro tip: Remember, a ghostwriter isn’t just a silent entity in the background – they embody your tone and voice. The more in sync you are, the better your collaboration will be.
#5 Negotiate Terms and Bounties
When it’s time to talk money, it’s essential to be as transparent as a ghost in broad daylight. Remember, while it’s a creative process, it’s also a business transaction. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls:
- Spectral fee or hourly rate: Will you pay a one-time, flat fee for the entire project or go with an hourly rate? Each approach has its perks. A flat fee provides clarity on costs, while an hourly rate allows for more flexibility.
- Royalties or ghostly gifts: Some ghostwriters may be willing to share royalties, meaning they get a slice of the financial pie when the book sells. This can motivate your ghostwriter to make your book a bestseller. Discuss whether this arrangement suits both parties.
- Terms and bounties: Your agreement should be crystal clear. Outline deadlines, revisions, and any other expectations. You don’t want surprises down the road. When you hire ghostwriters, you’re essentially hiring freelance writers. Make sure to choose those who can write books or whatever you need in your voice, not just sign your own name and call it a day.
💡 Pro tip: You’re essentially hiring a guide through the foggy swamps of the literary world. So, make sure you trust them, their skills, and the agreement that binds you. You want your journey to feel more harmonious than haunted.
Let’s face it: some of us have brilliant ideas rattling around in our heads—enough to fill a library. But when it comes to wrangling those thoughts onto a page, things get... dicey.
Maybe your keyboard mysteriously develops a stutter every time you try to write. Or perhaps the "own writing skills" section on your resume looks more like a blank desert landscape.
But you still need to publish your own work! Not only can you do this, but you also have to decide who will help you – a good writer you’re going to choose.
Finding a ghostwriter to put your story on paper is much like a paranormal investigation, where you uncover hidden talents and make connections in the most unexpected places.
It’s more of a science, but in the end, what you get is a piece of art. Conduct deep interviews, examine writing samples, and make informed decisions – without forgetting your budget for this endeavor.
Don’t rush the process; let it guide you toward your perfect literary ally. Happy hunting!